
13th Nov 2018

November 2018 Council Meeting

Items on the agenda at the November Council Meeting included:

  • Aaron Matthews (Head of Industry Sustainability, BAFTA) spoke to how the screen sectors could reduce their carbon footprint and why it matters, highlighting the training and support provided through the Albert initiative;
  • Will Page (Director of Economics, Spotify) highlighted, among other things, how UK content creators were succeeding in non-targeted international markets and the value of content beyond the immediate release period;
  • Andrew Barnes (Associate Director, Olsberg•SPI) and Dustin Chodorowicz (Partner, Nordicity) and Julia Lamaison (Head of Research and Statistics, BFI) spoke to the recent Screen Business report, which demonstrated how screen sector tax reliefs power economic growth;
  • Presentations and a participative discussion focusing upon successful strategies for niche VoD services introduced by  contributions from:
    • Efe Cakarel (Founder and CEO, MUBI);
    • Rod Henwood (Director, IQTV); and
    • Rahul Raswant and Priyanka Raswant (Founders, Highbrow).
  • Updates on the latest policy developments for the sector.

Council Meetings are private events for BSAC Members.

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