
29th Mar 2017

BSAC Interview with Michael Edelstein (President, NBCUniversal International Studios)

On the evening of Wednesday, 29 March 2017, Michael Edelstein (President, NBCUniversal International Studios) was interviewed by BSAC Chair Jon Gisby.



Michael Edelstein discussed the differences between the corporate cultures and managerial styles between the USA and the UK, and described how he had launched and developed NBC’s international studio business, including sharing some thoughts about the effects that this had upon the UK production landscape. He talked about how to balance the delivery of financial returns with supporting the creative visions of content makers, and outlined some of the methods that he used to ensure that these relationships worked smoothly. He stressed the importance of developing talent to ensure the future sustainability of businesses, and considered some of the effects that the success and continuing growth of the UK industry and the entrance of new businesses were having upon the marketplace. He concluded with some predictions about how the television production model might change in the future.

Copies of speakers’ biographies can be downloaded here.

This event was sponsored by RBS.

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