
28th Sep 2022

British Screen Forum International Business Seminar on Gender Inclusion Initiatives

On Wednesday 28 September 2022, British Screen Forum Members and invited guests had the opportunity to hear presentations from Tsitsi Dangarembga (Founder Member, Women Filmmakers of Zimbabwe/ICAPA), Madeline Di Nonno (President & CEO, Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media), Lara Joannides (Creative Diversity Lead for News and 50:50 The Equality Project, BBC), and Doris Saba (Artistic Director, Beirut International Women Film Festival/Projects Manager, Beirut Film Society). With Ritula Shah (Journalist and Presenter, BBC) chairing, delegates heard first hand about the different ways that other nations are approaching issues of gender representation and disparity, and how the screen sectors in those territories have changed practices in order to create gender balance, foster inclusion and reduce negative stereotyping.

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