1st Sep 2022
Lords Committee Inquiry: A Creative Future – British Screen Forum response now submitted
We have today made a submission to the Lords Communications and Digital Committee Inquiry: A Creative Future. This submission draws on the analysis and recommendations set out in our report UK Screen Sectors A Prospectus for Growth in an Age of Change which was published in July of this year. In common with that report, our submission to the inquiry makes the case that the Screen Sectors merit active Government support, as key drivers of growth and renewal across the UK, whilst also providing cultural value and projecting soft power around the world. A lot has changed over recent years, and in the submission we highlight key technological, consumer and industry trends that are reshaping the industry. In the light of these developments, the submission goes on to recommend a set of policy priorities for the Screen Sectors, relating to the need for world-class digital infrastructure; access to talent, to international markets and to finance; creation across borders; and a supportive copyright and enforcement regime.