18th May 2022
Policy Roundtable: Public Policy Priorities and the Creative Industries Sector Vision
On: Wednesday 18 May 2022 from 1.00pm – 3.00pm
At: Central London location (WC2 postcode)
For: Members & Associate Members
Members and Associate Members are invited to participate in a roundtable meeting to discuss a draft British Screen Forum report setting out the key public policy priorities for screen sector growth. The development of the draft – which will be circulated well in advance of the meeting – has been led by Malcolm Wall, with Jonathan Simon acting as rapporteur.
The report seeks to update the ‘Priorities for a Sector Deal’ paper published by British Screen Forum in 2017 during the development under the Theresa May administration of the (now abandoned) Industrial Strategy. Our intention is to: (a) detail the contribution of the screen sectors to date; (b) analyse the key developments and trends that provide the context within which the UK screen sectors now operate; (c) identify and explain the factors that are a potential drag on future growth (including the areas of market failure which existing public policy interventions have attempted to address); and (d) set out the policy framework which would best help deliver future growth and support improved levels of inclusion, environmental sustainability and the levelling up agenda. We have now more or less completed the data gathering phase and draft analysis and are putting together a ‘straw man’ set of potential public policy proposals for discussion. At the meeting on 18 May, we would like to discuss the draft with you with a view to charting a course to a final draft which can command broad support from right across the diverse screen sector interests that feature within our membership.
Members will also be aware of the Creative Industries Sector Vision (CISV) work initiated by Secretary of State Nadine Dorries, which is expected to be published in the summer, and which is focussing on four priority areas: supporting the creative industries’ base of high-growth firms to strengthen our comparative advantage; building a more resilient, inclusive and productive workforce; maximising the economic spillovers between the creative industries and the wider economy; and enhancing the cultural, environmental and social value of the creative industries in the UK and internationally. DCMS has asked for industry views on the CISV to be submitted via the Creative Industries Council (CIC). Given the overlap between our workstream and the CISV and we are liaising with the CIC to ensure that any proposals that emerge from our process are fed into the CISV at an appropriate stage.
We are sure that many Members will want to be involved in this important policy work and look forward to working with you to deliver a useful contribution to the public policy debate.
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