
7th Sep 2020

Policy Roundtable on EIS with HMRC & Treasury

On: Monday 7 September 2020 from 10.00am – 11.30am

Further to a series of working parties on EIS guidance, we have prepared a full briefing for HMRC which sets out our areas of concerns, explains the particular normal working practices of screen sector businesses and presents detailed proposals for amendments to the guidance. As previously outlined to working party members, this package will form the basis of substantive discussion with HMRC with a view to securing appropriate changes to the guidance and, ultimately, better outcomes for legitimate screen sector applications for advance assurance.

With: With: Alex Buckley (Venture Capital Schemes Policy Advisor, HMRC), Jay Nair (HMRC), Cat Trainor (HMRC), Martin Trott (HMRC), and Rhys Jackson (HM Treasury)

Via: Video Conference

For: Members & Associate Members

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