
12th Jul 2018

July 2018 Council Meeting

BSAC’s July Council Meeting will consider the latest business and policy developments for the Audiovisual Industry.

Items on the agenda will include:

  • Peter Kosminsky on drama funding, the recent changes in commissioning and investment strategies, and their potential impact;
  • Natalie Usher (former Director of Screen at Creative Scotland), providing reflections on supporting the film and TV sector in Scotland;
  • Sam Barcroft (CEO, Barcroft Media), presenting a thinkpiece on the future of audiovisual content services;
  • Clare Sumner (Director of Policy, BBC), updating Members on the latest developments in the debate around protecting PSB prominence;
  • Focus on a New Business: Engager – Charlie Byrne (CEO and Founder) on their award winning new social media ratings tool for broadcasters; and
  • Updates on the latest policy developments for the sector.

Council Meetings are private events for BSAC Members.

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