
25th Feb 2014

BSAC Advertising Seminar 2014

The impact of changes in advertising was the focus of discussions at the BSAC advertising seminar on 25 February.

Original research was presented by David Elms (Partner, Head of Media, KPMG) and David Hughes (COO, Mavens).

Topics included:

– Analytics and Data: David Hughes in conversation with Ajay Chowdhury (Deputy Chairman BSAC and CEO, Seatwave)

– The Move to Mobile: chaired by Sue Unerman (BSAC Member and Head of Strategy, Mediacom), featuring: Agostino DiFalco (Partnership Director, Sales, Channel Five); Tim Hussain (Director of Product Strategy, Collective); and David Benson (Director of Brand Solutions, Northern Europe, Google)

– Strategies & Powershifts: chaired by BSAC Chairman, Adam Singer, featuring: Jonathan Allan (Sales Director, Channel 4); Adam Clyne (Commercial Director, TVC); Gwyn Jones (Group CEO, BBH); and Paul Kanareck (Director of Brands, ITV).

The agenda can be downloaded here.

The discussions amongst Members and guests took place under Chatham House rules.  Adam Singer (opening remarks) and David Elms (presentation) have agreed to make their prepared comments available.

This event was hosted by Reed Smith.

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